  1. The Chord

From the recording The Chord

"The Chord", came out of a time of worship with some friends one Saturday night at our home. There came a point where we felt impressed to take communion. Not wanting to miss being a part of it, I decided to play a chord and depressed the sustain pedal so that I could be free to participate. Well, the presence of the Lord began to "inhabit" that chord, so that we were not able to move under the weightiness of His glory until after 3 a.m. It was as if the walls and every fiber of the structure of our house were being saturated.
This CD is the recording of that chord that was captured that night. So many of our friends have been blessed by it as they used it during their quiet times that I felt impressed to make it available to others.
It's just one sustained sound for over an hour!
The idea is to be able to "track" or focus on the Presence of the Lord without being directed or led by lyrics, moods or anything else found in regular music CDs.